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Basilica of the Divine Mercy

07 sierpnia 2002 | 17:55 | Ⓒ Ⓟ

Construction of the Shrine began in September 1999. The work has so far cost PLN 30 m and is financed by the faithful from all over the world. A two-level basilica (total area

of 1500 m2) is constructed in the shape of a boat. The tower offers a bird’s eye view of the entire city of Cracow; in good weather one can also admire the panorama of the Tatra Mountains. The design of the basilica, by Prof. Witold Cęckiewicz, combines modern and traditional elements of ecclesiastic architecture.
The Mass will be attended by, among others, 1500 handicapped people.

*The Shrine of the Divine Mercy*
The Convent of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Cracow-Łagiewniki originated as a foundation of Prince Aleksander Lubomirski. Thanks to his donation in 1889 land was bought in the village of Łagiewniki which was then the site of a centre for wayward girls, a chapel and a convent for the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy (founded in 1862).
In 1891 were consecrated the chapel of St. Joseph and a bigger wing of the convent buildings, destined for the House of Divine Mercy. Educational work was carried out until 1962, when the communist regime took over the convent and a bigger size of the area from the Congregation. In 1969 the Sisters set up the „Źródło” (Wellspring) educational centre for socially underprivileged youth, which was in operation till 1991. In 1989 the authorities returned to the Congregation the educational centre for girls; currently it is known as the Youth Educational Centre. The Sisters run a hostel and three schools for girls: a high school, a vocational school for hair stylists and a catering school. Some of the female students have been sentenced by courts of law and are in need of deep moral conversion. Since 1993 the Łagiewniki Convent has been a formation house where, during a two-year novitiate, sisters prepare themselves for religious life and apostolic mission.

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