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Karol Wojtyła’s ties with Kalwaria

07 sierpnia 2002 | 17:27 | Ⓒ Ⓟ

Kalwaria Zebrzydowska was Pope John Paul II’s favourite place of prayer. Since early childhood Karol Wojtyła came here with his father from nearby Wadowice.

He also went on pilgrimage here as priest and archbishop. Bernardines recall to this day his visits from Cracow, when he would borrow from the monks heavy duty shoes that would protect him from mud and set out alone on the paths to pray.
His last stay in Kalwaria dates back to June 7, 1979 when he came to the shrine as John Paul II during his first pilgrimage to Fatherland. At that time he conferred the title of basilica minor on the church.
During his stay in Kalwaria as Pope, John Paul II recalled his own religious experiences as follows, “Every time I came here I was aware of becoming immersed into a reservoir of faith, hope and love which whole generations have brought to these hills and to this shrine.” In the book titled Crossing the Threshold of Hope the Pope reminisces, “From my earliest years, my own devotion to Mary was deeply joined with my faith in Christ. The shrine of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska helped me greatly in this.” During his third visit to Poland in 1987 the Holy Father offered a gold rose to the Kalwaria image of Our Lady. He said, “I wish to lay a papal rose at the feet of the image of Our Lady of Kalwaria as a token of my gratitude for all that She has been and continues to be in my life.” In the Chapel of the Miraculous Image there are also other gifts of the Pope: a candle and a pearl rosary, which found their way there during other papal visits to Poland.
Every day at 9 a.m. the Bernardine monks say Mass for the Holy Father, who said during his first papal visit here: “I also ask of you to pray for me, as long as I am alive and after I die.”
On the wall at the entrance to the chapel of Our Lady of Kalwaria there is a picture commemorating John Paul II’s stay in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska during the first pilgrimage to his home country in 1979. The picture represents Madonna (from Kalwaria) with Child; Our Lady extends Her hand to the Pope who kneels before Her.
The shrine devoted to St. Mary and to the Passion of Christ in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, celebrating this year its 400th anniversary, is visited by over a million pilgrims from Poland and abroad annually. This makes it the second largest shrine in Poland after Jasna Góra in Częstochowa.
John Paul II, who will visit the shrine in Kalwaria on August 19, has repeatedly stressed the fact that this is the place that shaped his Marian devotion. He went on pilgrimage here as a boy from Wadowice, located close by. He also went on pilgrimage here as priest and archbishop to pray in front of the miraculous image of Our Lady and meditate on the Passion of Christ on the Paths of Our Lord. “What draws man here is the mystery of unity of Mother and Son and Son and Mother. This mystery is described vividly and generously through all the chapels and little churches that surround the centrally placed basilica,” described the Pope the unique character of the shrine during his first pilgrimage to Poland in 1979. Bernardines remember well the wish the Pope expressed at that time: “I also ask of you to pray for me, as long as I am alive and after I die.” Every day at 9 a.m. the Bernardine monks say Mass for the Holy Father.

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