Szukana fraza: MEN
Karol Wojtyła’s family
The Pope’s mother, Emilia nee Kaczorowska, died when Karol was only nine. Four years later the Pope’s elder brother, working in the Municipal Hospital in Bielsko since his graduation from medical school, died too; in the hospital he contracted scarlet fever from his patient and died at the age of 27. The Wojtyłas also had a daughter before Karol was born, but the girl died soon after birth.
The ministry of charity in Poland
To provide charity and assistance to the needy has been a characteristic trait of Christianity since its earliest days.
Convents of St.Faustina
The Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy
John Paul II on St. Faustina and the Divine Mercy
St. Faustina’s message of God’s most significant attribute – His Mercy – was the subject matter of the Pope’s third encyclical several years before the conclusion of the beatification process of the Polish nun.
The Pope and Cracow – people, facts and places
*Cardinal Adam Stefan Sapieha*
The Cracow of Karol Wojtyła
There are many people in Cracow for whom the remembrance of Karol Wojtyła, first as an ordinary priest, then as bishop and cardinal, is a life goal. There are, too, numerous places that the present Pope has lived at or visited. Let us visit some of them, too….
The Pope’s nine visits to Poland
The current pilgrimage will be the ninth trip of John Paul II to the Fatherland. Each visit to Poland has had its own unique atmosphere…
Sosnowiec: mammobus Caritasu ma powodzenie
Wielkim zainteresowaniem kobiet ze Śląska cieszą się bezpłatne badania mammgograficzne prowadzone w mammobusie należącym do Caritas.
Watykan musi oszczędzać
„Musimy oszczędzać” – pod takim tytułem ukazał się w niemieckim tygodniku „Der Spiegel” wywiad z watykańskim ekonomem kard. Sergio Sebastianim. Rok 2001 zamknięto w Watykanie lekkim deficytem.
Szczecin: uroczystości pogrzebowe ks. Skorodeckiego
Blisko stu księży celebrowało pod przewodnictwem abp. Zygmunta Kamińskiego Mszę pogrzebową w intencji zmarłego ks. Stanisława Skorodeckiego. Uroczystości pogrzebowe w szczecińskim kościele Św. Ottona, przy którym ks. Skorodecki mieszkał w ostatnich latach jako emeryt, zgromadziły ponad tysiąc wiernych.