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The Europe of Dialogue – Convention agenda

05 czerwca 2005 | 22:55 | Ⓒ Ⓟ


Friday, 16 September
Prayers during the Convention are led by a special vocal ensemble and
the three chaplains of the Convention: a Roman Catholic one, an Eastern
Orthodox one and an Evangelical one.


  • Marcin Przeciszewski, Chairman of the
    Organising Committee of the Convention

Welcoming Address

  • Cardinal Józef Glemp, Primate of Poland
  • Archbishop Jeremiasz, Eastern Orthodox
    Archbishop of Wrocław and Szczecin, President of the Polish Ecumenical


  • Stanisław Mikołajczak, Marshal of Wielkopolska

Message from the Holy Father
Benedict XVI

  • presented by a representative of the Holy See

Message from Bartholomeos I,
Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople

  • presented by a representative of the Patriarch
11.25Prayer for John Paul II and Brother Roger
Song: „Jesus, You are the light of my soul”
11.30Dialogue and
Compromise as the Basis of the Activity of the European Union

  • Jarosław Pietras, Polish Minister for European
11.45The Europe-Church
Dialogue: Challenges for Today

  • Ján Figel’, EU Commissioner for Education,
    Training, Culture and Multilingualism
12.15The Church
– Europe Dialogue: Challenges for Today (a Roman Catholic perspective)

  • Archbishop Henryk Muszyński, Metropolitan of
12.45The Church – Europe
Dialogue: Challenges for Today (an Orthodox perspective)

  • Archbishop Ioannis Zizioulas, Eastern Orthodox
    Metropolitan of Pergamon

John Paul II – Master of

  • Maciej Zięba OP, Provincial of Polish
    Dominicans, Director of the Tertio Millennio Institute
15.15Debate about European values   

A Secular Europe, a Christian
Europe – One Europe

  • Danuta Hübner, EU Commissioner for Regional
  • Mona Siddiqui, Director of the Centre for the
    Study of Islam, University of Glasgow, 
  • Hanna Suchocka, former Prime Minister of
    Poland, Ambassador of Poland to the Holy See, 
  • Rocco Buttiglione, Italian Minister for
  • Andre Glucksmann, professor of
  • Shevah Weiss, Chairman of the Yad Vashem Council

Moderated by Kamil Durczok (TVP)
Questions from the Audience


College Debate about the role of Christians in contemporary culture
The Christian Culture –
Between the Rebirth of Christianitas and a Christian Ghetto

  • Chantal Millon Delsol, professor of
  • Teresa Maria Reklewska, the author of stained
    glasses used in the artistic project of the Convention, 
  • Daniel Cibotea, Eastern Orthodox Metropolitan,
    Jassy (Romania),
  • Marek Izdebski, bishop of the
    Evangelical-Reformed Church in Poland, 
  • Myroslav Marynovych, Deputy President of the
    Ukrainian Catholic University, 
  • Gabriel Nissim OP, The World Catholic
    Association for Communication, 
  • Archbishop Józef Życiński, Metropolitan of
    Lublin, philosopher

Moderated by Piotr Marciniak (TVN 24)
Questions from the Audience


Dialogue between the Churches
and the European Union in the framework of the Constitution for Europe

  • Danuta Hübner, EU Commissioner for Regional
  • Rev. Aldo Giordano, CCEE Secretary
  • Rev. Rüdiger Noll, Director of the “Church and
    Society” Commission, KEK Associate General Secretary; 
  • Jarosław Pietras, Polish Minister for European
  • Rev. Noël Treanor, COMECE Secretary
  • Tadeusz Zieliński, professor of theology,
    Christian Academy of Theology

Moderated by Tomasz Dostatni OP

      Moderated by Fr. Tomasz Dostatni OP
      Questions from the Audience


      Poland – a Catholic One or an
      Ecumenical One?
      (in Polish only)

      • Zdzisław Bielecki, Co-president of the Joint
        Council of Catholics and Muslims
      • Jerzy Buzek, former Prime Minister of Poland,
      • rev. Michał Czajkowski, Catholic theologian,
        co-Chairman of the Polish Council of Christians and Jews, 
      • Marek Jurek, politician, essayist, 
      • Michał Klinger, Eastern Orthodox theologian,
        former Ambassador of Poland to Romania, 
      • Mufti Tomasz Miśkiewicz, head of the Polish
        Muslims’ Association,
      • Archbishop Henryk Muszyński, Metropolitan of
      • Rev. Lech Tranda, pastor of the Warsaw
        Evangelical-Reformed parish,
      • Shevah Weiss, former Ambassador of Israel to

      Moderated by Katarzyna Kolenda-Zaleska (TVN 24)
      Questions from the Audience

      18.45Dinner (for the participants of the Convention)
      18.45(for the inhabitants of Gniezno and its
      vicinity)    Ecumenical
      Bible services
      in the Roman-Catholic churches in the city
      and its vicinity with homilies delivered by non-Catholic Christian
      clergymen (following a common, specially prepared scenario)
      20.00Open-air concert in the Gniezno
      of various cultures in the Europe of dialogue

      (TV rebroadcast on TVP 2)
      Prayer in songs by choirs of different denominations:

      • Orthodox choir „Oktoich” of Wrocław; 
      • Visual Ministry Gospel Choir of
      • „Arka Noego”, 
      • the Convention’s choir; 

      soloist – Mieczysław Szcześniak;
      artistic supervisor – Marcin Pospieszalski.
      The message of the concert: “Music of Christians – Music of Unity“.
      Three testimonies of faith will be given during the concert: by

      • Fr. Daniel Ange (Roman-Catholic
      • Rev. Leszek Czyż (Evangelical-Lutheran Church
        in Poland), 
      • Rev. Nicolae Tanase (Romanian Orthodox Church).
      Saturday, 17 September
      An Ecumenical Feast of the Bible
      A Bible service led by ministers of different Christian denominations:
      „Bible – the Book of life” pantomime, Gospel readings in various
      languages, testimonies, songs and prayer
      9.45Ecumenical debate
      What will the Ecumenism of the
      21st Century be Like?

      • Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the
        Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity
      10.05Can Europe Breathe
      with One Lung?

      • Bishop Hilarion, bishop of Vienna and Austria,
        Representative of the Russian Orthodox Church to the European
        Institutions in Brussels
      10.25Christian Diversity
      and the Unification of Europe

      • Bishop Wolfgang Huber, President of the Council
        of the Evangelical Church in Germany, bishop of the Evangelical Church
        of Berlin, Brandenburg, and Silesian Upper Lusatia
      10.45Discussion on the stage
      A Visible Unity of Christians
      – What Will It Look Like?

      • Cardinal Walter Kasper, 
      • Bishop Hilarion, 
      • Bishop Wolfgang Huber

      Moderated by Tomasz Królak (KAI – Catholic Information Agency)
      Questions from the Audience


      Masters of Dialogue – witnesses

      • Fr. Daniel Ange, founder of “Jeunesse Lumiere”,
        an international Catholic school of prayer and evangelization, 
      • Michaela Borrmann, Evangelical
      • Rev. Nicolae Tanase, founder of the „Pro Vita”
        association in Romania, 
      • Bishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the
        Catholic Biblical Federation, special envoy of the Holy See during the
        war in Kosovo
      We Forgive and Ask
      for Forgiveness
      – Dialogue Between Poles and Germans 40
      years after the Eastern memorandum of the EKD and the letter
      of Polish Catholic bishops to the German Episcopate

      • Władysław Bartoszewski, former Minister of
        Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, 
      • Bishop Wolfgang Huber, President of the Council
        of the Evangelical Church in Germany, 
      • Helmut Kohl, former Chancellor of
      • Cardinal Karl Lehmann, President of the
        Conference of German Bishops, 
      • Tadeusz Mazowiecki, former Prime Minister of
      • Markus Meckel, Chairman of the German and
        Polish parliamentary group in the Bundestag, 
      • Hans Joachim Meyer, President of ZdK(Central
        Committee of German Catholics), 
      • Archbishop Józef Michalik, President of the
        Conference of Polish Bishops

      Moderated by Stephan Raabe, director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
      in Poland with introductory remarks by Archbishop Henryk Muszyński

      Dialogue in Everyday
      – meetings in work groups. All the meetings will be
      preceded by discussions on the same subjects held as part of the
      Gniezno Academy of Dialogue in the schools of Gniezno; during the
      Convention young people will present the fruit of their debates

      avaliable: #4, #6, #11

      polish, up to 100 persons

      1. Dialogue in marriage and
      the family

      or “How to sustain love at home through
      tick and thin?

      Moderator: Jerzy Grzybowski, “Encounters of Married Couples”

      • Deaconess Aleksandra Błahut-Kowalczyk,
        Evangelical theologian
      • Elżbieta Czykwin, Institute of Sociology,
        Białystok University
      • Lucyna and Ryszard Montusiewicz, (KAI Isreal,
        The Neocatechumenal Way
      • Fr. Bronisław Rosik SAC, Catholic Anti-Drug
        Association KARAN
      • Elżbieta and Witold Kowalczyk „Home Church”

      Co-moderators: Anna Kurzeja, Magdalena Dalbor (Gniezno)

      polish, up to 50 persons

      2. Dialogue in a local

      or “Between the mayor, the pastor and the

      Moderator: Przemysław Fenrych, Foundation of the Local Democracy
      Participants, expercts:

      • Fr. Sławomir Kokorzycki, parish priest in
      • Adam Pastucha, head of the commune council,
        Dębowiec n. Skoczów
      • Przemysław Radwan, School of Leaders
      • Grzegorz Stopiński, chaiman of the city
        council, Wrocław
      polish, up to 25 persons

      Dialogue in a parish

      or “Can the clergy and the laity trust
      each other?
      Moderator: Marek Kosacz OP
      Experts, Participants:

      • Prof. Elżbieta Firlit, sociologist of religion,
        Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)
      • Jarosław Charkiewicz, The Othodox Internet
      • Rev. Grzegorz Dróżdż, parish priest in Cegłów,
        The Old-Catholic Mariavite Church
      • Rev. Jan Kojło, parish priest and director of
        Radio Orthodoxia in Białystok
      • Dr Maciej Lis, diocesan curator of the Wrocław
        Diocese of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession of the
        Republic of Poland
      english and polish, up to 40 persons

      4. Dialogue between Poles and

      or “The Outlaws” in the Polish school
      Moderators: Krzysztof Stanowski (Lublin), Anna Bendyn (Gniezno)
      Education for Democracy Foundation

      • Malika Abdulwachabowa, Chechen activist
      • Ton Van Anh, editor of the Vietnamese Cau Vong
        magazine issued in Poland
      • Sr. Anna Agnieszka, little sister of Jesus
      • Norbert Frejek SJ, Angelus Silesius Meeting
        Centre, Wrocław
      • Simon Mol, Association of Refugees of the
        Republic of Poland
      • Agata Skowron-Nalborczyk, Department of
        European Islam, Warsaw University
      polish, up to 40 persons

      5. Dialogue of
      “ecclesiastical” and “secular” volunteers  

      or “Volunteers of the love of the
      neighbour – step forward!

      Moderator: Piotr Czekierda, Angelus Silesius House of Meetings

      • Anna Sieprawska, Vice-Chairmwoman of the Cracow
        Club of Catholic Intelligentsia, coordinator of the Ombudsman’s
        programme titled „Education for Development”
      • Ewa Wunsz, coordinator for voluntary work of
        the Deacony of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession
      • Marek Masalski, Director of the Eleos Eastern
        Orthodox Metropolitan Centre of Charity  Fr. Mieczysław
        Puzewicz, Catholic Association of Youth from Lublin
      • Jakub Wygnański, Klon/Jawor Association, Forum
        of Nongovernmental Initiatives
      PANEL, english
      and polish

      6. Dialogue between “blockers”
      and “the doomed for success”

      or “Are the young a generation ‘nothing?

      Moderator: Szymon Hołownia, Rzeczpospolita
      Experts, Participants:

      • Fr. Daniel Ange, founder of the Jeunesse
        Lumière international Catholic school of prayer and evangelisation
      • Fr. Leszek Czyż, Centre for Mission and
        Evangelisation the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession
      • Maria Rogaczewska, Ph.D. student of sociology,
        Institute of Sociology, Warsaw University
      • Aleksander Zioło, Workshops of Sociological
        Analyses, Institute of Sociology, Warsaw University
      PANEL, polish

      7. Dialogue between the poor
      and the rich

      or “Are we helpless in the face of

      Moderator: Zdzisław Bielecki
      Participants, experts: 

      • Sr. Małgorzata Chmielewska, “Chleb Życia”
      • Wanda Falk, General Director of the Deacony of
        the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession
      • Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, the former president
        of the National Bank of Poland
      • Zbigniew Sroczyński, President of the “Hellena”
      • Stefan Wilkanowicz, “Znak” Foundation of
        Christian Culture
      PANEL, polish

      8. Dialogue in the workplace
      or “Do we need further work on work?” 
      Moderator: Michał Drozdek, Ignacy Paderewski Christian and Democratic

      • Ewa Tomaszewska, „Solidarność“ trade union
      • Prof. Juliusz Gardawski, Warsaw School of
        Economics (SGH)
      • prof. Mieczysław Kabaj, The Institute of Labour
        and Social Affairs
      • Piotr Kapela, Chemin Neuf
      • Krzysztof Mądel SJ, theologian, expert of the
        Mirosław Dzielski Centre
      • Tomasz Sadowski, founder and president of the
        „Barka” Foundation
      PANEL, polish

      9. Dialogue within the Roman
      Catholic Church

      or “Can we talk to one another?
      Moderator: Anna Maruszeczko, Radio „Józef”

      • Fr. Adam Boniecki, Tygodnik Powszechny
      • Rev. Sławomir Czalej, Gość Niedzielny
      • Jarosław Gowin, Znak
      • Grzegorz Górny, Fronda, Ozon
      • Marek Jurek, Christianitas
      • Marcin Przeciszewski, Catholic Information
      • Mieczysław Ryba, essayist of Nasz Dziennik
          PANEL, polish

          10. Polish ecumenical

          or “Is the Polish ecumenical movement at a

          Moderator: Marek Górski, Warsaw “Pax Christi”

          • Danuta Baszkowska, The Society for Peace and
            Reconciliation “EFFATHA”
          • Rev. Marcin Brzóska, spokesman of the
            Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Poland
          • Rev. Andrzej Gontarek, parish priest of the
            Polish-Catholic Church parish in Lublin
          • Fr. Włodzimierz Misijuk, Eastern Orthodox
            priest, former Secretary General of the World Federation of
            Organisations of Orthodox Youth Syndesmos
          • Prof. Stanisław Celestyn Napiórkowski OFMConv,
            Roman Catholic theologian, 
          • Rev. Jan Ostryk, chairman of the Regional
            Department of the Polish Ecumenical Council in Poznań, superintendent
            of the Evangelical Methodist Church
          • Grzegorz Polak, essayist, Edipresse
          • Tomasz Terlikowski, philosopher, essayist, Ozon
            PANEL, english
            and polish

            11. Dialogue between believers
            and non-believers

            or “What do people who do not believe in
            anything believe in?

            Moderator: Anna Karoń-Ostrowska, WIĘŹ   

            • Fr. Jerzy Bagrowicz, Institute of Theology,
              Nicolas Copernicus University, Toruń
            • Krzysztof Dorosz, essayist
            • Rev. Tomáš Halík, Christian Academy in Prague
            • Sławomir Sierakowski, Institute of Sociology,
              Warsaw University, Krytyka Polityczna
            • Jerzy Sosnowski, pisarz, publicysta
            • Sr. Zofia, little sister of Jesus
            • Antoni Libera, novelist
              7.45Prayer – dialogue
              with the loving Father

              • Fr. Tomáš Halík, Prague
              20.00Meeting in the
              Valley of Reconciliation

              opening of the Joint Prayer of Jews, Christians, and Muslims
              Address by Prof. Władysław Bartoszewski
              short theatrical performance (Aleksander Fredro Theatre in Gniezno,
              directed by Tomasz Szymański)
              Procession with lit Gniezno lamps of dialogue from the Valley of
              Reconciliation to the city’s market square (by different routes)
              20.30in the Gniezno market square:

              at the beginning the participants receive “the Gniezno olive candles”,
              at the end the participants receive branches of the olive trees from
              (Polskie Radio live coverage, TV rebroadcast later this evening on TVP
              Sunday, 18 September
              8.00Holy Mass in the Gniezno Cathedral
              9.309.30Prayer in song: Psalm 133
              Biblical meditation – Abram and Melchizedek, Book of Genesis 14: 17-20
              led by rabbi Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of
              9.45Interreligious debate presided over by
              Fr. Dietger Demuth CSsR, Executive Director of the Aktion Renovabis
              Jews in Europe: Guests or

              • Rabbi Jack Bemporad, Director of the Center for
                Interreligious Understanding, professor at Angelicum University in Rome
              10.05Christian Roots of
              Europe and Today’s Religious Pluralism

              • Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald, President of the
                Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue
              10.25Islam in Europe or a
              European Islam?

              • Mustafa Cerič, Great Mufti of
                Bosnia-Herzegovina, Reis ul-Ulema
              10.45Joint discussion on the stage
              Christianity-Judaism-Islam in
              Europe: a Struggle or a Common Call?

              • Rabbi Jack Bemporad, Archbishop Michael
                Fitzgerald, Great Mufti Mustafa Cerič

              Moderated by Krzysztof Renik (Polish Radio)


              Debate about the future of religion   
              A Post-Christian Continent or
              a New Springtime of the Church? What is the Future of Religion in

              • José Casanova, professor of sociology, New
              • Krzysztof Dorosz, essayist, former
                editor-in-chief of the Jednota monthly, Warsaw, 
              • Tomáš Halík, professor of sociology and
                philosophy, Prague, 
              • Paul M. Zulehner, professor of pastoral
                theology, Vienna, 
              • Ivan Želev, professor of theology, Sophia

              Moderated by Zbigniew Nosowski (monthly review „Więź”)


              Prof. Jerzy Kłoczowski, Institute of Central-Eastern Europe
              Fathers of European Unity –
              since St. Benedict to John Paul I
              Moderated by Piotr M. Cywiński, President of the Club of Catholic
              Intelligentsia in Warsaw, President of the Council of St. Adalbert’s

              13.45Debate about the future of Europe
              Central Europe in the United

              • Władysław Bartoszewski, former Minister of
                Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
              • Ján Čarnogurský, former Prime Minister of
              • Helmut Kohl, former Chancellor of
              • Viktor Orbán, former Prime Minister of
              • Viktor Jushchenko, President of
              • Myroslav Marynovych, Deputy President of the
                Ukrainian Catholic University,
              • Tadeusz Mazowiecki, former Prime Minister of
              • Hans-Gert Poettering, Chairman of the EPP-ED
                Group in the European Parliament, 
              • Lech Wałęsa, former President of Poland

              Moderated by Dorota Gawryluk (TVP) 

              15.00Adoption of the Convention’s Message to Europeans
              15.05Ecumenical prayer concluding the Gniezno

              Update: 2005-09-07


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