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Why is it worthwhile to come to Gniezno?

18 kwietnia 2005 | 00:05 | Ⓒ Ⓟ

*Archbishop Henryk Muszyński, Metropolitan of Gniezno, Host of the Convention:*
|abp Henryk Muszyński|I believe this is a great chance of constructing a new Christian identity in the new reality of the pluralist Europe. How to create a place for God in human hearts? Definitely not by administrative measures! It must be a way of a Christian witness. This is a great challenge, but we are willing to respond to it.
We must begin with a personal conversion, with the discovery of our individual identity and of being rooted in our tradition. Only then can we open up to the pluralist world and to a dialogue, which at present seems to be the only means of relieving tensions and constructing a community.
I do hope that the meeting in Gniezno will help us achieve all that.

*Marcin Przeciszewski, Chairman of the Organising Committee*
|Marcin Przeciszewski|It is worth coming to the “Europe of Dialogue” Convention because this will not only be a meeting with people who shape the Church and the Europe of the 21st century, but also an exciting discussion on the countenance of our continent in the future. It will also be a chance to savour ecumenical unity, something which we often lack in Poland.
The Convention will have the form of discussions that point to tense debates between Christianity and Europe. We will reflect on what in concrete terms Christians today must do in order that Europe should not be overcome by “belligerent secularisation”, in order that it should be not only an economic and political union, but also a community of the Spirit. We want the united Europe to be likewise a “Europe of dialogue”, where the voice of Christians truly matters. We need to learn such dialogue, however: good intentions are not enough and competence is what counts more and more.
We wish one of the results of the Convention to be the creation of a multinational community of persons, movements and associations which will embark on various common activities for the sake of constructing the Europe of the Spirit, of dialogue and of values.
The VI Convention of Gniezno will be a spiritual, social and artistic experience. We will not only debate but also pray, sing and dance. None of you can miss it!

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